A little history is being re-written to bring James Bond's MI6 psychological report up to date ahead of his double-0 promotion in the 21st film Casino Royale...

James Bond's Dossier - Psychological Report
30th October 2006

Mission Specialist James Bond is a unique individual. He appears to be of sound mind and strong spirit.

At the age of 11, Bond suffered the loss of both parents in a climbing accident. This event had a profound impact. In his later teens, Bond lost his one surviving close relative, his aunt Charmain Bond. Like most who lose parents in their youth, Bond has abandonment issues. He rarely makes long-lasting relationships with men or women. He professes to have never fallen in love. He maintains no friendships from before his parents’ death and only the most irregular contact with friends from his late teens.

Bond’s one strong relationship with an adult from his teens and early twenties — one Hannes Oberhauser of Kitzbühel, Austria — ended when Oberhauser disappeared mysteriously. Bond has referred to Oberhauser as a second father.

Bond professes limited memories of his youth in Europe. He is not nostalgic, but lives firmly in the present. He has only vague notions or thoughts about old age and retirement, which he does not seem to think he will live to see.

Bond does not fear death. Although he convincingly claims never to have contemplated suicide, Bond has a remarkable willingness to take near fatal risks.

Bond is solitary. He does not console himself by surrounding himself with others. His athletic pursuits tend to be solitary: running, skiing, hiking, swimming, diving, and most remarkably, climbing.

During a stint at the University of Geneva under an exchange program with Fettes, Bond led an expedition to the very mountain where his parents had died. Bond climbed it with friends and apparently never told them of his personal and tragic link to the location.


Bond enjoys pushing himself to the limit, both mentally and physically. Like a few other cases that have come to my attention, Bond’s stress levels actually drop when the stakes are higher. He is prone to boredom and mild depression when not challenged. Bond enjoys drinking and gambling, although the former seems to be a way for him to test his personal limits at times rather than a vice. Bond has been known to gamble more than he can afford to lose, although he always gambles with a plan and a clear understanding of the odds.

Bond has strong interpersonal skills. He can act comfortably in many situations, but does not seek out companionship except, most notably, for sexual recreation. Bond’s lone wolf personality-type tends to attract others.

Bond is goal-oriented, but he often seeks these goals in an indirect and secretive way. He has kept many areas of his life meticulously compartmentalized, never allowing the emotional issues from the loss of his family or from relationships to intrude on his professional life. Bond seems to have an emotional and mental need for multiple layers of reality. He thrives when not revealing all of himself, carefully organizing the aspects of his personality he reveals to others. Thus Bond is excellent as burying information he does not wish to reveal, making him a very good security risk if questioned under almost any circumstance.


Bond seeks structure in his life. He is a man of pattern and habit. He has acquired strong tastes. This is a potential security risk. Bond both thrives under structure yet finds subtle ways of rebelling against it. He is not self-destructive, but he can be a challenge to his superiors.

Bond uses humour as a shield and a weapon. He is skilled at making cutting remarks that reveal insecurities of others or mock death, danger and risk.

Most importantly, Bond is deeply loyal to institutions. After his parents’ death, Bond embraced his British and Scottish roots. His concept of his nationality is a large part of his identity. This is reflected in some of his social attitudes, which seem to embrace a British identity of the not too distant past. When pressed, Bond seems to identify with the notion of helping to “protect the realm”, of “serving the monarch” and the ideals embodied in the mythic notion of St. George.

While the world is far from black and white to James Bond, he does tend to see it in stark terms of chaos and order, tradition and change. Bond has chosen to identify with order and tradition.

MS Bond is an excellent candidate for sensitive and demanding intelligence work.

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Text courtesy Sony Pictures.