Discover which tracks Ian Fleming selected on Desert Island Discs a year before his death...
Desert Island Discs - Ian Fleming
30th April 2011
Desert Island Discs is a long-running BBC Radio 4 programme first broadcast on 29 January 1942. It is the second longest-running radio programme, and is the longest-running factual programme in the history of radio. Originally devised and presented by Roy Plomley, each week a famous guest ("castaway") is asked to choose eight pieces of music, a book and a luxury item for their imaginary stay on the island, while discussing their lives and the reasons for their choices.
On Monday 5th August, 1963, James Bond creator Ian Fleming was the guest for that week's edition of Desert Island Discs - almost exactly a year before he died.
Guests are also invited to select a single book and luxury item, for which Fleming selected 'War and Peace' in German by Leo Tolstoy, and a typewriter and paper.