Single player campaign walkthrough guide now online
for the Epilogue chapter of "James Bond 007:
Blood Stone"...
"Blood Stone" Strategy Guide (6)
29th January 2011
Monaco: Epilogue
When Nicole receives Rak's knife unexpectedly, she know's Bond
has her number. Pursue Nicole’s car (preferably within
100 meters) until you reach the bridge. Attempt to be within
30 meters before you reach the bridge.
From there, you must damage Nicole’s car sufficiently
to force her to stop. The easiest method is to stay parallel
while forcing her car against the bridge railing in order to
damage Nicole, while being careful to avoid damage yourself.
Five A Day - Achievement Guide
Destroy 5 different fruit bowls in a day (real time)
Throughout the game, there are bowls of fruit (which look like
red baskets with green apples in them) within the environment.
Find and shoot five different fruit bowls. You must find and
shoot the five bowls within a real-time 24 hour period to earn
the trophy. You may utilize the chapter select/save and quit
features without impeding your progress.
"Prologue - Change of Plans"
After taking out the first two guards of the chapter, check the
table on the deck of the yacht, before you climb down the ladder.
After the boat chase, make your way past the
enemies and into the building. When you reach the pool area,
check the table on
the right hand side, before crossing the bridge.
"Your Basic Russian Oligarch..."
Once you pass a barrel storage room, you will come to a gate
to the next area. Follow the walkway to the left (you will hear
two guards talking about a "smoke break") to reach
a utility room. Check the table inside the room.
In the last room of the chapter, just before
you reach Nicole's car, there will be a large firefight with
several gunmen in the
museum room. After taking care of the enemies, check the table
on the right hand side of the room.
"Old Friends, New Enemies"
Toward the end of the chapter, you will have to use a switch
to open an automated gate. After passing the gate, you will come
to an alley with several gunmen. Kill them all, then look for
the fruit bowl to the right of the blue truck, in front of the
soda machine and the garbage can.
"James Bond 007:
Blood Stone" campaign
players guide by 'Matt' for MI6. All rights reserved. The players
guide is for personal use only and may not be republished without
prior permission. MI6 can not be held responsible for any errors
or omissions from the campaign mission walk through or gameplay