9. Market District, Saigon

Acquire the RL66
Destroy the barricades
Defeat the helicopter
Decode the data disk

Acquire the RL66

Since Carver has bribed the military police into killing Bond on sight, Wai Lin takes up the fight. You're job is to get to your base to decode the data disk and locate Carver's stealth boat. Make sure to watch out for any civilians in the streets and only attack the police (they're wearing green uniforms).

When you begin, run down the street and shoot the soldier around the corner. Enter the door next to him and shoot the guy on the higher level. Behind some crates on your left is another soldier, so blow up the crates to kill him in the blast. Leave the room through to door on the opposite side and enter the streets. There's a guy on your left, so kill him, but go right instead. Go up the stairs and kill each soldier hiding in the doorways of the buildings (there are three of them). In front of each doorway is a light armor, so pick up two of them and continue down the stairs at the end.

At the bottom of the stairs is a doorway. Behind it is another soldier, so kill him and enter a bar with two more guys. Kill them both (watch out for the civilian) and continue on into the streets. Go up the street and take a right; kill the cop in front of the door and head inside, down the stairs to a small room with rifle ammo, heavy armor, and an extra life. Head back
outside and go to the other end of the street. Kill the other cop and go through the doorway and fight the soldier with the RL66.

Despite the fact that being caught in the blast of one of the rockets deals heavy amounts of damage, this is actually an easy fight. The first thing do is kill the two regular soldiers in the top left and back right. Now for the guy with the RL66, always make sure that one of those large objects on each side of the room is in between the two of you. The soldier won't attack you if there isn't a direct shot, so take that time to get in headshots with your rifle. When he runs around to get in line with you, run behind the other one and repeat this strategy.

Destroy the barricades

When he dies, he drops his RL66 rocket launcher, which you can use to destroy the barricades. When you go to leave the room, use the door on the left and head down the stairs. Take a right and kill the soldier by the doorway.

Strafe back and forth to avoid the gunfire by the barricade and hide in the doorway where the soldier was. Use the first person view and peek around the corner, quickly fire a rocket to destroy the barricade. Run over to the now-destroyed barricade and return to the room where you fought the soldier with the RL66. Go through the other door and back to the bar; kill the soldier in front of the barroom door. Retrace your steps through the bar and up the stairs to the buildings with all of light armors. Pick up any of the armors that are still left and go down the stairs that lead back to the streets.

From the stairs, head straight down the street and kill the soldier near the barricade. Look through first person and destroy the barricade, and then the other behind it. The barricades' destruction will catch the attention of two soldiers on the other side of the barricade, so kill them both.

Now return to the very beginning of the level. After going through the room just before the beginning (where the soldier was hiding behind the crates), take a right to find the last two barricades. Destroy them and kill the guy that attacks you; there's another guard on the roof to your right, so use first person to take him down.

Head through the barricade by squeezing between the lamppost and the building wall on the right and head down the street. Two guards on the roof straight ahead are waiting to ambush you, so kill them from a distance. Continue around the corner, but take the next right that seemingly leads to a dead end. You might notice that the back left wall looks a little choppy (even by the Playstation's standards). Fire a rocket into the corner to reveal a secret passage that leads to an upper level filled with goodies. After running up the stairs, look through first person and find the two soldiers hiding behind the small blockade set up. Collect the medkits, ammo, and heavy armor and return to the entrance of the passage. Run over to the blockade and head through the tunnel in the far right.

Defeat the helicopter

Through the fence is a large area where you fight a military helicopter. It fires its machine gun for the first half of the battle, but switches over to missiles later on. You should have 15-20 rockets left, which is plenty on top of the spare rockets littered around the area.

The best way to take down the chopper is to hide behind the large truck on the right, since you won't be shot at. The helicopter will begin to circle around to get a shot at you, so wait for it in first person. Just before it comes into view, fire a rocket so that it hits the very front of the chopper. After firing, quickly strafe to the other end of the truck to avoid any gunfire.

Repeat this 15 or so times to take the helicopter down.

Decode the data disk

Head through the wooden fence in the back on the area and kill the two guards on the other side. Enter the tunnel on the left to reach your hideout.

The way to decode the data disk is by entering a random combination of buttons (Triangle, Square, Circle, and X), although you never use a button more than once. If one of the buttons in the combination is correct, it blinks for a second to let you know. The correct combination is X, Triangle, Square, and Circle, but if you forget it isn't that difficult to figure out.

Decoding the disk completes the mission.

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"Tomorrow Never Dies" walkthrough written by Matthew Haensly copyright © 2005. Used with permission. The author of this FAQ is in no way affiliated with Electronic Arts, MGM Interactive, MGM Film Company, or any member of the "Tomorrow Never Dies" development team.