From Russia With Love (2005) - Players Guide
Mission 3: Istanbul (Part 1)
Bond and Kerim Bey must fight off Russian agents on the streets
of Istanbul and reach Station T in one piece.
Target Time: 10:00
Target Dispatches: 35
Bond Moment: Rappel through a plate glass window to take down
a goon.
Using your mini map, drive to the blue point. The controls are
a bit different from the previous James Bond games and the car
is a bit difficult to control at first, but you'll get the hang
of it. Soon you will get a cut scene with Red Grant blowing up
the car. Now it's time for some DB5 action. Go full speed and
get your machine guns ready. Start blowing up the cars. You can
use your tire poppers to delay them or sometimes kill them. Eventually,
you should get the Russian garage. Fire a bunch of missiles at
it to destroy it. But don't forget to take care of the guards
with Bazookas. There is one on top of the garage, and one in the
building to the right of the garage. Now, head to the repair shop.
The garage door will not close unless you are right against the
wall of the garage wall. Eventually, you should come to a tank
blocking your way. You need to man a machine gun to destroy it.
Head to the right and rappel up the wall. Walk along the balcony
and rappel down the wall. This location is to the left of the
second door you see. Head forward a bit and then to the right.
Rappel up the wall. Go along the balcony and you should see a
section without railing and a building ahead of you. Rappel to
it. Follow the balcony, rappel down when you see no railing, then
rappel up to the point in front of you. Go to the left and rappel
to the other building. Tip over the table, get the guards' attention
and start shooting them. Go into the room the guards were in and
man the machine gun. Shoot the tank. You may also want to shoot
the guards who will fire at you with sub-machine guns and bazookas.
When you destroy the tank, you will have completed the mission.
Players Guide Index
"From Russia With Love" campaign
players guide by Lethal Weapon and MI6. All rights reserved. "From
Russia With Love" is a trademark or EA Games. MI6 is not
affiliated with EA Games or their subsidiaries. The "From
Russia With Love" Players Guide is for personal use only
and may not be republished without prior permission. MI6 can not
be held responsible for any errors or omissions from the campaign
mission walk through or gameplay tips.