MI6 Fan Fiction Publication
MI6 publishes Fan Fiction in three categories:
1. Complete novel / novella
2. Serialised novel
3. Short story
Serialised novels are published on the website
in sections, but all chapters have to be completed and approved
by MI6 prior to initial publication.
Professional novels range from between 80,000
words to 100,000
on average. A 'novella' is approximately one-third to one-half
the size of a regular novel. Short stories are considered to
be equal to one or two chapters. Please note that the count is
indicative only.
Once your work has been completed
you are now ready to submit
it to MI6 for publication. Please do not send initial chapters
or works in progress.
Send your name, email address and attach a
copy of your fan fiction in Microsoft Word or
Rich Text format to the following email address:
You should
also include;
1. Blurb (this is what is typically found on the back
cover, a brief outline of the plot)
2. Author information
3. Ideas for novel cover design
4. Please state the word processor and version that you created
your fiction in, e.g. Microsoft Office 2007, Word format.
When attaching your document, we recommend:
- All typesets are Times New Roman.
- All font sizes are 12pt.
- If you need to make text stand out, such as chapter heading,
please use bold only.
Our fan fiction team read and
check all submissions, so a clear and coherent font will make
reading faster. Please see
the section Checking & Reading information below.
Novel Covers
MI6 create the novel
covers for you, in a uniform layout. There is no need to create
the novel cover yourself or seek assistance
in creating one. However, when you email MI6, you can make recommendations
on what you would like to see on the cover (this cannot extend
to copyrighted images).
Checking & Reading
You should avoid
using graphic words in your story. These include any offensive
swear words or politically incorrect comments,
such as racism. Swear words, when over used can degrade the story
and give an outwards appearance that the author has a lack of
imagination to iterate the situation. “James Bond coughed
out a four-letter word under his breath as…” this
is a much more artistically crafted sentence, and covers the
point without the use of cursing. Offensive language will turn
off readers and we urge you not to use it.
Before emailing, you should read your whole fan fiction through
thoroughly and correct any grammar errors as you find
After emailing you submission,
it will be subject to review by MI6
to ensure quality. Any spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and
will be highlighted inside the fan fiction and emailed back
you, so that you can amend. Note: we will not normally make any
changes to your fan fiction other than highlighting errors.
completing the corrections, you can then (if needed) email MI6
for a second time with the updated copy attached.
MI6 will create an Adobe
Acrobat file format for you. Other changes will include page
numbering, typeset alterations and
the addition of a cover. The PDF file will then be protected
to help prevent your work being copied/printed and
altered by other parties. Your completed fan fiction will then
be placed in the queue of awaiting work ready to be published.
In regards to publishing work on other websites, we do not stop
anyone from posting their fan fiction on any other sties. Many
people have had their work published on such sources as fanfiction.net.
Please note, all submissions will be available for discussion
in the Keeping
the British End Up forums by fellow Bond fans.
If you have any questions, you can contact the
fan fiction department at: